EXPLORER1 1016Gilt dial MK.6 1967y. ケースコンディションが抜群で昨年ロレックスUSでオーバーホール済みの優良個体。マーク6は6時位置の夜光表記が大きく上部にあるのが特徴。1967年は最後のミラーダイヤル(ギルドダイヤル)の年です。製造から55年経つわけですが、一生物という言葉では短すぎて、親子三代物という言葉がピッタリかも…
EXPLORER1 1016Gilt dial MK.6 1967y. The case is in excellent condition and was overhauled by Rolex US last year. The Mark 6 is characterized by a large luminous marking at the top at the 6 o’clock position. 1967 was the last year of the mirror dial (guild dial). It has been 55 years since it was manufactured, but the term “lifetime” is too short, so perhaps the term “three generations of a family” would be more appropriate…